When you talk to your kids (or any kids for that matter) how do position your body? Hmmm, is that a strange question? I have a good reason for asking, so give it some thought. 😉

Do you stand tall over them and look down?
Or do you squat down and look them in the eye?
The simple action of getting down on kid level will make for an even stronger connection in the conversation. Don’t worry if you can’t squat. There are lots of ways to get down to kid level! Sit on a chair, sit on the ground, squat or kneel down. Anything that brings you eye to eye.
Look at Little M’s neck in this picture. She has to lean her head way back to talk to her Auntie L. Their faces are actually very far apart and eye contact is difficult. Can you imagine talking to everyone like this?
When Auntie L squats down in front of her, Little M easily shares her story face to face. Getting down on kid level helps kids learn the important skill of eye contact while conversing. It also show’s that you are ready to give your full attention. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful way to enter a conversation?
So I ask again, how do you position your body when talking to kids?
Simple parenting tricks like this one can make all the difference when comes to really connecting with your kids.
Riley. This article originally appeared on Confidence Meets Parenting on May 9, 2012.