Our progressive model follows the interest, strengths and curiosities of our children therefore we keep our classes small to provide intimate learning opportunities supported by a co-teaching model
What if my child is not potty trained?
Potty training is a very individual milestone and we encourage children to develop at their own pace. therefore all our toddler classes do not require potty training however we support you in the process.
What is your discipline policy?
We see discipline as a teachable moment where teachers model language for children to empower them to express their needs as well as to show empathy for others. These are the building blocks of strong communication and cooperative skills.
What is a typical schedule?
The following Daily Rhythm (sample schedule) highlights our routines and classroom flow at Preschool of the Arts. Through shared routines and language our school is connected and flexible, meeting children and families where they are and embarking on a journey of endless possibilities.
- Welcome Routine - Forming our Community
- Provocations
- Morning Meeting - Fostering our Community
- Snack
- Revisiting Provocations & Project Studies
- In School Specials and local visits
- Tefillah Together Time
- Goodbye Together Time for Half Day Children
- Lunch Bunch
- Relaxation and Rest Time
- Art Exploration
- Methods of Inquiry and Project Investigations
- Goodbye Together Time for Full Day Children
Can I tour the school?
We are excited to show you around our school as we believe the "environment is the third teacher". Once we receive your application, the site director Admissions Team will contact you to schedule a School Tour and Playdate.
What is your philosophy?
We are a progressive Reggio inspired school that provides our children with authentic and lasting classroom and communal experiences including Jewish Holidays and traditions.